Pinkie Promise Read online


  Promises Promises Series.

  Sarah Clay

  Copyright © 2018 by Sarah Clay

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, resold or distributed in any form, or by any electronic or mechanical means, without permission in writing from the author, except for brief quotations within a review.

  This book is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  Pinkie Promise

  Copyright © 2018 by Sarah Clay

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five



  Keep up to date with Sarah:


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three


  For my mum, Brenda, who taught me the true definition of a promise.

  And never made one she couldn’t keep.

  She promised to be the best mum she could be, and she continues to be that every single day.



  “Olivia, I swear to fucking god if you don’t get your arse back down here we’re going to have a big problem.”

  I hear my father shouting from downstairs as I rush around my room, grabbing the necessities I want to take with me.

  I don’t worry about all the superficial things he’s brought for me over the years. Instead, I grab my phone, charger, sketchpad and a few changes of clothes along with a handful of cash and my ID.

  There is no point taking any of the multiple bank cards he’s given me, let alone my car keys.

  “OLIVIA, NOW!” He bellows, his voice feels like it’s getting closer now and I know I’m just about out of time.

  Zipping up my bag, I lift it off the bed and throw it over my shoulder before pushing out of my bedroom door.

  I run towards the marbled spiral staircase and take the steps two at a time. As soon as I come around the curve I stumble backward, spotting my father storming towards me.

  His hands reach out and grip me hard around my biceps, shaking me a little for good measure.

  Chapter One


  Fuck Me. Yeah, I said it.

  The last thing I want to be doing at the end of my working week is to still be sitting in my office, trying to fix somebody else’s screw up.

  Yet, here I am.

  Throwing my hands through my hair in frustration, before pitching back the last of my scotch; trying to calm down.

  I’d gone into business with two of my best friends, three years ago. We were first-year University students when we’d come up with the idea.

  Right after we graduated we agreed it was what we wanted to be doing full time. Designing and distributing Applications to the general public.

  We’d thrown all of our money into the start-up of our company and chased down investors for the rest.

  Our company had come a long way from the first App we’d created back in our dingy apartment one night. That same App had been trending worldwide for the past 13 months now and we were damn near working our arses off to stay in that position for as long as possible. A lot of our other apps were currently ranking in the top 50 too, we were beyond happy with our success.

  Right now, however, thriving or not, one of our techs had just pushed an update through to a popular Social App we had, and it was fucking with one of the components; we were all trying to get it sorted out as quickly as possible.

  We’d only pushed the updates out overnight and the more people applying it to their devices, the more havoc it was causing. Our Facebook and Twitter pages were blowing up with unhappy customers wanting the issues resolved quickly.

  So here I sat, sifting through the coding; trying to find the problem. I wasn’t really the ‘Tech-head’ of the group, I mean hell, of course, I knew some of it; we all did.

  But Anthony or Tony as I called him; was the tech god.

  Unfortunately, both him and Cooper, our other partner, were currently on a plane on their way back here.

  Both were none the wiser on the current fuckery I was dealing with.

  Tony oversees all the technical aspects that go into creating an app, he has a team of people under him to help with the coding and the differentials. He’s a quiet guy, always glued to his laptop or a screen of some sorts. His one of the smartest, most loyal fuckers I know though. Cooper, our other business partner, he handles the visual aspects of the projects and has a real keen eye for what’s going to work well or fall short.

  We’d all become friends in our first week at University after the school had lumped us all together in school housing. My role within the business was a bit of an all-rounder, I oversee the general day to day business aspects as well as having a hand in our social media platforms.

  Mostly, however, I was the face at the forefront. I was the one that fresh meat would see in meetings and interviews; while they were trying to get us to take on their ideas and turn them into actual programs. Along with Cooper, I would schmooze sponsors and investors; having them on board allowed us to take on bigger projects.

  We all had our roles and we all suited them. Where Tony was quiet and didn’t enjoy meetings, he was the brains that kept things clicking in the background. Cooper was a charmer and creative as fuck; always schmoozing someone for something.

  Me, I was a little more ruthless in the way I went for things. And if I felt like my time was being wasted, well let’s just say I’d heard many people mutter the words ‘arsehole’ or ‘prick’ as they exited our boardrooms.

  Spinning in my chair to look out over the city skyline as I exhale a heavy breath.

  Tony and Cooper should be landing any moment and I’d be able to get a hold of them to help figure out the damn problem.

  “Excuse me.”

  I hear the delicate whisper just before a knock rings out on my open office door.

  Coop, Tony and I have our own corner offices in the building. We had just taken over the level above our previous two, we now owned floors 10, 11 and 12.

  I don’t bother spinning around in my chair. I’m assuming whoever belongs to the voice that just floated through, has come to the wrong floor. Considering I’ve just taken up residence this week and no one else occupies any of the space yet; there’s no reason anyone should be here.

  “What” I snap as I reach for the tumbler of scotch off to my left.

  “Uh, um, I’m sorry to bother you” comes the timid voice again, it’s all female and delicate.

  But I don’t have time for anyone right now, I pour some single malt into my glass before capping it.

  “And yet you’re still standing in my doorway,” I grunt, unamused as I finally relent and spin my chair b
ack around to face my screen and the intruder in my doorway.

  As soon as I do, my mouth runs dry and drops open a little.

  I quickly close it before frowning at the beautiful, albeit younger looking blonde. The long blonde hair in which she’s currently twisting and tucking behind her ear, all while shuffling her feet.

  She looks like she’d rather be anywhere else than here right now, but it’s not my fucking problem. She knocked on my door, not the other way around.

  I take my time looking her over though.

  Never one to miss an opportunity.

  She’s a stunning girl; her baby blue eyes are darting everywhere around the room. Her nose curves out slightly just above her full pink lips. Her skin porcelain smooth and glowing.

  She’s wearing an old coat over her clothes, it looks like it’s seen better days.

  Right now though, all it’s doing is blocking my view of her body. But if it’s anything like her face I’m sure it wouldn’t disappoint.

  I don’t know why I’m even looking. That’s a lie, of course, I do.

  Hell, I’d barely been out of the office the past few weeks, we’d had some big deals going on and besides work, home and getting a run in most mornings; I hadn’t set sight on many people outside of this building.

  She was chewing on her bottom lip, worrying it between her teeth, what I wouldn’t give to be the one doing it.

  I was curious about what she was after now. Just standing there staring at nothing in particular, but never settling her eyes on any one thing; I could see her thoughts were racing a mile a minute.

  Noticing her take a step back in retreat from my doorway causes me to rise from my seat to stop her and she immediately halts her movement.

  “What can I help you with…?” leaving it hanging, hoping she’ll give me a name.

  She squares her shoulders a little. And I can’t help but smirk at her little display of courage.

  “Right sorry, I’m Olivia, I’m actually looking for Coop.”

  I play her name over a couple of times in my head before it clicks with what she’s said.

  I can’t help but raise my brows slightly. Of course, she’s looking for Coop; the lucky prick.

  “Sorry, I mean Cooper, Cooper Matthews?”

  I slowly settle back down to my chair, more than a little disappointed.

  “He's not in” I throw out into the room, before looking back over my laptop, trying my best not to stare at her since she’s no longer an option.

  “Oh, do you, shit, do you know where I could find him?” I hear the disappointment in her voice and it irritates me.

  If he was expecting her, surely he would have contacted her himself. Unless… we have all been flat out, maybe he just forgot, I bet he’d be disappointed too.

  I release the breath I’d been unintentionally holding in, before raising my eyes back up to meet her own. Her long lashes hanging low over the brightness of her eyes now, I’d effectively discouraged the poor girl from whatever she was after.

  “His flight should be arriving shortly; he will be here within the hour Olivia.”

  I notice her eyes widen either at his travel itinerary or my use of her given name, but she’s quick to hide it before offering a small nod.

  “Okay, thank you, I’ll just wait for him downstairs” pulling her coat tightly around her before she steps out of my office, heading in the direction of the lifts.

  I fight with myself internally, wanting to stop her and tell her she can wait with me; and knowing what a terrible, terrible idea that would be.

  Chapter Two


  What the heck am I doing here?

  You had to get out of there, that’s what.

  I’d been on a bus for over thirty thousand kilometres and I was so goddamn tired I couldn’t even think straight. Taking a hold of my backpack, I lift it up over my shoulder. I’d left it by the elevator when I’d first arrived.

  I’d tried every floor that was listed under Anperson Enterprises, working my way up.

  When I’d found a guy sporting their logo on his shirt and asked if he could point me in the direction of Coop. He’d cracked a joke about pointing me in the direction of somewhere more private.

  A few eye rolls later and he finally told me Coop was no doubt on the 12th floor trying to “sort shit out.”

  So I’d trekked up here only to be greeted by a rather rude and agitated, Adonis-like specimen.

  His narrow face and chiseled jaw didn’t help my unease one bit, but the second his hazel eyes met mine I was struck dumb for conversation.

  It didn’t help that before I had initially drawn his attention, I’d watched him push his hands through that thick head of chestnut hair with fascination.

  It had that unkempt look about it, but the fact that he was cleanly shaven tells me he’s very well kept indeed.

  I shake the thoughts of him away, focusing on the task at hand.

  At least I now knew that Cooper would be here soon, even if he wasn’t expecting me.

  I just hoped he wouldn’t send me back.

  Pushing the call button again while impatiently waiting for the lift to come and take me back down to the ground floor. I’d wait for him outside; I highly doubt the snooty receptionist downstairs would want me taking up residency in view of her.

  I pull my coat tighter around me while shifting back and forth on my feet.

  It wasn’t the warmest thing, in fact, it was so old that it had completely thinned out, but beggars can’t be choosers and when the lovely lady had offered it to me on the bus, I’d gratefully accepted.

  I’d tried to return it when we arrived at the terminal, but she’d insisted it looked like I needed it more. She was incredibly kind; I’d made sure to thank her before taking off.

  I was grateful for the protection it would offer. It was cooling down dramatically at nights lately; so I hoped it would do the job until Coop arrived.


  Okay, so it was a lot colder out here than I’d anticipated. I can’t stop my teeth from chattering and I’m just so damn tired. It felt as if I’d been waiting forever.

  Sighing at the realisation that I couldn’t just sit out here any longer, this was clearly a bad idea.

  Standing up from the cold, wet ground I shake myself off while wondering what I should do.

  I’m about to take off on foot when a Black Range Rover pulls up, the headlights shining in my direction.

  I shield my eyes from the assault and whoever is driving must realize they're blinding me because they quickly dim them. Not even two seconds later I see a familiar head pop out of drivers’ side and look me over.

  “Livvie?” I hear that familiar voice calling my nickname, his voice betrays his shock and worry; he’d given me it when we were younger and it had stuck ever since.

  It was my undoing, dropping back down to the ground. I cover my face with my hands; holding back the tears that are threatening to spill over.

  I hear his quick movements as he paces over to me and kneels down. Wrapping his arms around me, cocooning me in his heat.

  “Livvie” I hear the concern in his voice again as he pulls my hands away from my face.

  “Hey Coop” I mumble out before he engulfs me in a bear hug, pulling me up with him to stand.

  My coat is wet from sitting on the damp ground and it’s not helping that the breeze has picked up. Coop must be able to hear my teeth chattering, but he doesn’t speak, the shock of seeing me evident as he just stares down at me.

  I peek over Coop's arm, trying to wield back the lone tears escaping. That’s when I see another very handsome guy peering over at us, with curious brown eyes illuminated by the light from the building we’re standing in front of.

  He’s tall, easily 6’1 with long brown hair that rests on his shoulders. Dressed in a nice button up and slacks, he looks good; maybe a little uncomfortable.

  I’m not sure if it’s because of the clothes or the weird encounter he’s currently wi

  “She’s freezing man” I watch his mouth move as he grumbles at Coop.

  That seems to kick him into action, Coop's arms tighten around me for a second before letting go and grabbing the bag that was beside me. Shifting his arm around my shoulders, while the other guy opens the door for us to walk in before him.

  Coop hasn’t spoken again, not since saying my name.

  Every few seconds I feel his gaze burning into the side of my head. All three of us are walking past the snooty receptionist when I hear her call out, “Evening Cooper, Anthony.”

  She smiles over to them, but neither of them acknowledges her; at least not verbally.

  Coop does give her a head nod as he directs me over to the lift. The guy I now know as Anthony pushes the call button for us.

  Coop keeps rubbing his hand up and down my forearm, whether to keep me warm or to make sure I am in fact standing here, I’m not sure which; but his face stays etched in concern.